Ehlers-Danlos Manual Therapy Treatment Center

  • Non-Diagnostic Evaluation & CST Session


    Approximately Three Hours

    This comprehensive appointment is an opportunity for you to

    * Be evaluated for hypermobility
    * Discuss additional medical concerns
    * Receive a CranioSacral Therapy treatment
    * Establish a foundation for resources, care and non-pharmacological pain management

    Although this appointment does not offer a diagnosis for EDS, it can help you understand your experiences and symptoms . Ample time is set aside to review your history, symptoms and questions.

    **Why is it Non-Diagnostic?
    As per Eloise’s licensure as a Massage Therapist, she does not have authority to provide an official diagnosis. However, she can provide assessments, recommendations, and referrals based on observations and therapeutic evaluations of the musculoskeletal, CranioSacral, fascial, and nervous systems.

    Already Diagnosed?
    Please proceed to New Client Appointment